Set Up A Development Environment

Installing from Source

This project uses Poetry. You can install it using their installation instructions.

Then clone the repository and install the development dependencies using poetry:

$ git clone
$ cd ubittool
$ poetry install

If you prefer to only install the dependencies necessary to run the tool and skip all the development dependencies you can replace the last command with:

$ poetry install --no-dev

Then to run uBitTool:

$ poetry run ubit --help

Rather than having a Makefile, which can be difficult to get running on Windows, there is a file that can execute the type of commands that would normally go in a Makefile.

To get an up-to-date overview of what commands are available you can run the --help flag:

$ python --help
Usage: python [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Run make-like commands from a Python script instead of a MakeFile.

  No dependencies outside of what is on the Pipfile, so it works on all
  platforms without installing other stuff (e.g. Make on Windows).

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  build   Build the CLI and GUI executables.
  check   Run all the checkers and tests.
  clean   Remove unnecessary files (like build outputs).
  linter  Run Flake8 linter with all its plugins.
  test    Run PyTests with the coverage plugin.

These docs will only cover the most important commands for development, but feel free to explore the other commands with the --help flag.


Run all the checkers (linter, test, and style):

$ python check


Builds the CLI and GUI executables using PyInstaller:

$ python build